Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Scott Hildreth's NA Fiction Novel, Broken People a "Must Read for Parents and Teens..."

Broken People, in three weeks, has received praise by all that read it. If you are a teen, young adult, or a parent, this is simply a must read book. The reviews, which range from high school kids, to grandparents, all repeat the same statements...."Simply a must read...."
If you are reading anything but this book right now, you're simply wasting time.
It isn't a must read book only because it is entertaining. It's a must read book because of what it reveals. What it reveals about your children that your children wont tell you. The secret thoughts and actions that your high school children  are thinking and doing that you don't know. What they want to desperately know, but are afraid to say.
You owe it to your children to read this book.

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